Sunday, March 31, 2013

Man Paralyzed for Over 31 Years Bowls a 209

My friend Aaron Parker bowled a 209 on March 23rd, 2013.  Many people have bowled that well before, but not many — if any — who have lived with paralysis for more than 31 years.

Aaron has been a C7 quadriplegic since July 1st, 1981.  He is paralyzed from his chest down and thus uses a power wheelchair.  That doesn’t sound like a typical description for someone who just set a personal bowling record of 209, but adding an IKAN Bowler to a wheelchair allows its user to bowl in a way that is equivalent to how able-bodied people bowl (so says the USBC).  For an explanation and video example, checkout

I personally find it amazing that someone who has been paralyzed for over 31 years can compete in a sport on a level “playing field” and do so very well.

For Aaron’s scoresheet and more, click here:


Bill Miller :-)
C1-2 Quadriplegic with a 255 High Bowling Game
Co-founder of Manufacturing Genuine Thrills Inc. d/b/a MGT
Business website:
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